Wednesday, January 27, 2016

#2 Branch of Davidians

The Branch of Davidians is anotheer cult that is famous for a sort of mass suicide/death that killed a bunch of their members. The cult was founded in 1955 by David Koresh and convinced his followers that if they were not alligned with him and the United States then they were going against God, and if you were to go against god terrible things would happen to. Also this cult is just another form of church that someone was not happy with so they went and created their own so they could be in complete control of everything.

The compound being set on fire
The compound was set on fire after a 51 day stand of with the police. This stand off occured because the police were led to believe of sexual abuse by the leader. The leader was using his power to have sexual relations with the female follower even when it was not wanted. When the police heard about this that is the stand off began. But when the police showed of it deeply offended the people of church(mostly the leader) because they did not believe they were doing anything wrong. The compound was set on fire a couple minutes after releasing teargas but nobody really knows why it set on fire. Because teargas had never set anything on fire and the members of the church were not willing to admit to them setting the place on fire. Anyways due do this massive fire 76 people ended up dying and a bunch of people ended up being injured.
The flag of Branch of Davidians 

All this is showing that sometimes its good to stand up for what you believe in if what you are fighting for is right. But just ensure that nobody gets harmed in the processes. Because if you end up hurting people that are trying to help you it defeats the purpose.

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