Tuesday, January 26, 2016

#3 Klu Klux Klan

Theirs no way I could write a blog about the top five most controversial cults in history and not mention the Klu Klux Klan so here it is. Everyone by my age knows what the Klu Klux Klan (often known as KKK) is and is what they have done, so I won't be focusing so much on the history part but more on how it is still socially relevant and give some examples. But to start off here are your basic historical facts about the Klu Klux Klan.

The Klu Klux Klan was founded in 1866 in the United States was in every southern state by 1870. The cult was made because white soldiers who were returning from war were upset. They were upset about the fact the "Republican party aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks". The white men were angry about the fact that their was a possibility they would no longer be in complete control of everything which scared them. So their angry and scared themselves ended up committing very horrific crimes towards that killed many african americans.  http://www.history.com/topics/ku-klux-klan (quotation is from this site also their is a 2 minute at the top of the article that summarises all of this. It's really good if you want to watch it!!!! I mean I recommend that you watch it)

left: Treyvon Martin  Right: George Zimmerman
Why is this still socially relevant? Now although people no longer walk around the street in white dresses hunting down african americans many especially in the southern states are still discriminating
towards africans, For example the Treyvon Martin case. Treyvon Martin was shot and killed walking back to his dads house after buying something from a connivence store. Treyvon was killed and the shooter a white male received no punishment. Thus showing how their is still discrimination towards africans americans.  


  1. really enjoyed this blog mikayla! I think the way you brought yourself to the article really made an impact and how you adressed why it was socially relevant, The KKK was a dangerous group of men and you really did not want to be around any of them because they were the wrong people to be with.

    1. Thank you Phil I really appreciate it, I am glad you enjoyed and happy you were able to see i put a lot of effort into writing this out. Also I agree they were terrible people and I can not imagine what those people had to go through such and awful time

  2. Mik this is a great blog! I really enjoyed reading this because growing up I was always super interested in black history and the KKK is a big part of their oppression. I also used to watch a lot of movies based on white supremecy and was able to learn some of the things you said in your blog. I didn't really know the reason as to why the cult was formed but your blog really helped me figure it out. THANKS keep up the amazing work

    1. Thank you Mikayla! I never knew you were so interested in black history but i am glad you were able to help you get more incite and information on such subject. Also happy this blog was able to help you better understand that was what I was trying to do and was glad to see it happened!:)
